What We Believe
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in Holmen, Wisconsin, is a congregational family of believers united by our faith in Jesus through the Word of God. We exist to give joy-filled glory to God in our worship, nurture, and service. Good Shepherd is a member congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

Gregory Pope
Gregory James Pope was born in 1978 in Sacramento, CA, but lived in Racine, WI for much of his childhood. He attended Northwestern Preparatory School in Watertown, WI and then graduated from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN in 2000. He graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, WI in 2004. He was assigned to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Manitowoc, WI (town of Liberty) in 2004 and served there as pastor until accepting the call to Good Shepherd, Holmen in 2022. In Manitowoc he also served as a circuit pastor and helped coordinate a county jail ministry. Gregory met his wife Jennifer in 2005 and they got married in 2006. Pastor Pope enjoys exercising, reading, hunting and learning to play the piano.

Tammy Melott
Tammy Melott and her husband Mike live in Galesville, WI. In 1987 she graduated from Dr. Martin Luther College with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Her first call was to South Milwaukee, WI where she spent the first 20 years of her teaching career at Zion Lutheran School. The next 14 years she taught a 5-day pre-k program at Ascension Lutheran Preschool in Plymouth, MN. She was director for 7 of those years, and also directed the summer program and the before and after school care. In 2021, Tammy became an assistant teacher at First Lutheran in La Crescent, MN and subbed for a number of area Lutheran grade schools. In 2022, she accepted a call to become the Early Childhood Ministry Coordinator at Good Shepherd. Tammy has three children, all of whom are married. She enjoys being a grandma and travels whenever possible to visit the grandkids.

Lisa Carlson
Lisa Carlson was born in West Salem where she attended Christ Lutheran Church and Elementary School. She graduated from Luther High School in Onalaska, WI and then attended Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN where she graduated in 1999 with a teaching degree and was married to David Carlson. Her first call was to serve as 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teacher at St. Matthew’s Lutheran School in Stoddard, WI. After taking some time away from full-time teaching to raise their four sons, Lisa began her preschool journey in the fall of 1994 as a part-time teacher at Christ-St. John’s Lutheran School in West Salem. In 1999 she accepted the call to teach preschool at Good Shepherd. Lisa enjoys spending time with her 4 adult sons, reading, and taking time with family and friends at their cabin on Potato Lake near Chetek, Wisc.
Our Story
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in Holmen was established first as a preaching station and then a dual parish with Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Galesville, Wisconsin. Services in Holmen began in July 1976 and were held in the basement of the Bank of Holmen (now Park Bank). Area pastors and Luther High School staff initially conducted services under the coordination of Pastor James Mumm of St. Paul’s Onalaska who was instrumental in achieving the exploratory status of the congregation.
In May 1977, Pastor Donald Swartz accepted the first call to serve as pastor to the dual parishes. Other pastors who have since served include Rev. Joel Suckow, Rev. Andrew Bauer, Rev. Daniel Schoeffel, Rev. Nathan Strutz, Rev. Joe Christina (the first pastor called to solely serve Good Shepherd), Rev. Shaun Arndt, and Rev. Jonathan P. Kruschel. Reverand Gregory Pope was installed as the current pastor in December 2022.
Today, Good Shepherd is located on approximately three acres of property at 1500 Sand Lake Road in Holmen, Wisconsin. The property was purchased in 1983, and a parsonage erected in 1985. In 1986, the construction and dedication of a worship/education/fellowship building took place. At the time of the construction, the congregation’s membership consisted of 83 souls.
In 2000-01, the congregation completed a new sanctuary and nave for worship, education wing, offices, and expanded fellowship hall incorporating the original building. Good Shepherd celebrated 30 years of God’s blessings in July 2007 with a worship service focused on our Good Shepherd and Lord, Jesus Christ who laid down his life to save the lost sheep (John 10). As of December 2023, membership at Good Shepherd was 388 baptized souls, 292 communicants.
A preschool program launched in the fall of 1992 and continues to this day serving both members and non-members as a tool to proclaim the gospel and reach the un-churched. Little Lamb Preschool is now a state certified preschool running full time with four sections of three- and four-year-olds. Mrs. Lisa Carlson is the certified preschool teacher, and Mrs. Tammy Melott is the Early Childhood Ministry Coordinator.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member to attend?
Not at all! We love to have guests join us for worship.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We aren’t worried about what you’re wearing. We’re just glad you’re here!
Where do I park?
We have a spacious parking lot alongside and back of our building. You are welcome to park anywhere you’d like. If the attached lot happens to be full, we have permission to park in the lot across from the main entrance to our church (Northern Engraving.) We also reserved a few spaces just for visitors across from the entrance.
Is your church handicap accessible?
Yes! Handicap parking is available across from the main door. Entrance to the building and access to the worship areas and restrooms are all on one level.
Which door should I come in?
The double doors underneath the drop off area lead to a common area directly behind the church’s main worship area. You may also use the single door at the back of the building normally used for preschool drop off and pick up.
What can I expect when I come to Good Shepherd?
When you enter the double door main entrance, you’ll be in the common area directly behind the main worship area. Greeters or the pastor will be there to welcome you and provide directions and information. The restrooms and the hallway that leads to our fellowship hall are to the right. The church and pastor’s office are to the left. Straight ahead down the hall are the preschool, Sunday school classrooms, and additional restrooms. When you enter the sanctuary area where our worship service takes place, ushers will hand you a worship folder (a.k.a. bulletin). The worship folder has an outline of the service and everything you need to participate in worship. There are also screens at the front of church for those who prefer to use them.
Where can I sit?
Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether near the front or in the back of church. If you need assistance, an usher will be happy to help.
Do you have hearing assistance?
Yes! Ask any of our ushers as you enter church, and they can provide you with a personal hearing device with various options.
Who will I meet?
At Good Shepherd, all are welcome to hear the Word of God. You will meet a very diverse congregation, as we have people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.
What is worship like?
Our worship services are all about proclaiming and praising Jesus Christ our Savior. Worship services normally begin with an introduction and welcome by the pastor. The congregation sings an opening hymn. Then we have the opportunity to confess our sins to God, followed by the refreshing announcement of God’s forgiveness. We respond with a song of praise and a prayer. Then we normally have three Bible readings centered on the theme for the day and are used as the basis of the day’s sermon. The sermon message is about 17-20 minutes long and expands on certain Biblical points, applying them to our lives. We then confess the Christian faith that unites God’s people by using one of the Christian Creeds (Apostles’ or Nicene). An offering is gathered as an expression of our gratefulness to the Lord for all that he has done and promises to do for us. The congregation offers a prayer with special requests and joins in the Lord’s Prayer. Every other Sunday, a devotion is held specifically geared for the children in worship. We close with prayer, blessing, and the singing of a final hymn. The pastor makes a few announcements and greets people as they exit. On first and third Sundays of the month, the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is incorporated into the second half of our service.
The worship folder you receive when entering our sanctuary will guide you through the service, providing all that you need to follow along and participate as you feel comfortable.
If you have any questions after the worship service, please ask or email our pastor. He’d be glad to speak with you.
What about the offering plate?
Returning a portion of what God has given us is a way we express our love, trust, and thanks to Him. Our offerings are used to support the local ministry at Good Shepherd and the world-wide ministry of the Wisconsin Synod of which we are a member. If you are visiting, please feel no obligation to give an offering unless your faith motivates you to do so.
We also ask that you fill out one of our yellow visitor cards and place it in the offering basket as it goes by.
What about my kids?
We love to have children in worship! In fact, you’ll find families at all stages of life (children and parents; grandchildren and grandparents) all worshipping together. There are red activity bags for children hanging on the walls in the back of church to help active children. If a child becomes restless or a baby needs feeding, there is a nursery down the hallway on the south side of the building. It has a view into the sanctuary, closed circuit audio, and privacy.
Can a guest take communion?
Along with many other blessings connected with the Lord’s Supper, Communion demonstrates that believers are truly united in all the teachings of God’s Word. Therefore, before communing with us, we ask that you visit with the pastor, so he may explain about how to establish such unity.
Can I get married at Good Shepherd?
There is no fee for the church facilities or the pastor performing the marriage ceremony. Those without a church home who wish to be married at Good Shepherd should contact the pastor at pastor@gsholmen.org. We ask all couples to complete a 4-hour pre-marriage class together to better prepare for their married lives.
Can my child be baptized at Good Shepherd?
There is no fee to have your child baptized, nor is membership for the parents required. Our pastor will gladly set up a time to meet with you to discuss what baptism is and to schedule a time for the baptism that works for you.
What about Sunday School?
All children from ages 3 years – 8th grade are welcomed to attend our Sunday school which takes place between worship services from 10:15 – 11:00 am. Parents are encouraged to attend the adult Bible class during the same time period in the fellowship hall. You can contact the church office at office@gsholmen.org for further information or talk to the pastor.
How do I become a member of Good Shepherd?
Church membership is a way for an individual to express unity of faith with a church. Therefore, we ask that you complete a Bible class to review the basics of Christian teaching as taught in the Bible. At the completion of the class, you can then make an informed decision about whether or not to join our church and receive the blessings that come through church membership. Please contact the pastor if you are interested in learning more about church membership at Good Shepherd at pastor@gsholmen.org.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16