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Have you ever found yourself thinking, “Now that is a subject I wish we would talk about in Bible class”? Or perhaps “I wish we had time to dig a bit deeper into that subject”? Pastor David Clark wrote the Bible study Living My Life as a Christian in response to such sentiments he had heard over the years. The study discusses faith, our motivation, prayer, worship, and our lives as Christian men and women, as we encourage one another and manage God’s gifts, as an expression and confession of faith, and as members of the broader church.

The focus of each lesson is to answer this question: How do the doctrines and truths I have learned over the years apply to my life? In other words, this Bible study is about living our lives as Christians.

On Sunday September 15 our new Bible Class begins. Join us in this class as we take a closer look at some of the questions that may have been lurking in the back of your mind over the years.